a·plas·tic a·ne·mi·a/āˈplastik əˈnēmēə/

Noun: Deficiency of all types of blood cells caused by failure of bone marrow development

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day -3; Really rough day

It's Ryan again.  Andrya is once again not in any mood to write her blog tonight since she had a very difficult day.  She received her last dose of cytoxin today, thank god.  It's the cytoxin that has been really rough on her.  When she got her first dose of cytoxin yesterday it gave her a very sore throat and an incredibly bad headache.  Poor girl only wanted to sleep it off but the pain in between her eyes was so severe that she couldn't fall asleep. 

She cried a bit, but she was also really brave.  She still got up to do her walks, she still took a bath and brushed her teeth.  And though her spirits were low today, by the end of the day, she was able to put it all into proper perspective.  She said to me, "Well, these side effects should be gone by tomorrow.  And at least this is the last dose of my chemo, so if this is the worst of it...".  I'm wondering if this is the worst day of this whole process; we'll see.  That'd be a real blessing.  Though we're smart enough to know we're not out of the woods yet.  We're still not even to day 0. 

Today for pain, her nurses have given her morphine at 6, then oxycodone at 7, then morphine again at 8, and again just now at 10, and she's going to get oxycodone again at 11.  That should provide a bit of a glimpse into the pain she's in.  She told me a minute ago that she thinks she's comfortable enough now to fall asleep. 

Tomorrow she only gets ATG, which is to help decrease the chances of rejection of the transplant, and it has a tendency to make her really sleepy.  Right before closing her eyes she said that she thinks she'll be in better spirits tomorrow.  Atta girl. 


  1. Sorry she had a rough day. You are right, she is a fighter. Tell her we said she is doing awesome!!

    We are continuing to pray for her and you. Please let us know your practical needs too!!
    Love you both.


  2. I now have a fever...bring on the antibiotcs
