a·plas·tic a·ne·mi·a/āˈplastik əˈnēmēə/

Noun: Deficiency of all types of blood cells caused by failure of bone marrow development

Monday, July 18, 2011


It is 12:05 AM, which means in 6 hours, I will be checking into the hospital to start my treatment.

We had another viist with the doctor today to discuss my plan.  What he said made a whole lot more sense.  So, I had, and currently have Aplastic Anemia.  It has progressed into MDS and another condition called Paroxymal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH).  All three are bone marrow failure diseases.  Because I have a combination of all 3, the treatment regimen is a little more difficult.  I will be receiving treatment for MDS and AA.  The treatments kind of conflict with each other.  The treatment for MDS will make me get a little bit of Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD).  This is bad because the we don't want any GVHD for the AA.  So I have a higher risk (about 20% chance) of developing severe, chronic GVHD.  That will mean I will never work again and pretty much never leave the house again.  That is going to suck if that happens. 

So I feel better after the visit knowing that there wasn't a "wrong diagnosis."  I am more scared now than ever though.   This is real, this is happening now.  In 9 hours, I will start chemotherapy. 

I'm so happy and relieved that I have my husband by my side.  I may even let him watch the Royals' games while he sits with me :)  I just hope my baby will know me when I get out.  My niece Alisa made me a hat and a card today.  It was just adorable!  I can't wait to wear the hat and take a picture for her.  I'm not scared about losing my hair.  I am kind of excited about it.  Everyone tells me that it grows back different after chemo.  Maybe we should start a poll to see how people will think that it will grow back!

The pre-medicine they had me take today made me feel drunk.  The medicine was 2 anti-seizure medications because the chemo that I start tomorrow will make me have seizures possibly.  Thankfully, the 2nd dose wasn't as bad as the first.  So if there is stuff in this post that doesn't make sense, I blame it on Klonopin and Keppra :)

Please continue to keep me and my family in your thoughts and prayers.  We really, truly appreciate it! 

My husband and family will update the blog when I don't feel like it.  So please come back and keep checking it.  I have had a lot of positive response from it and I derive strength from telling my story. 


  1. i am with you with the fear thing, but from one who also have AA, let's be strong. i am going to my four appointments tomorrow. i'm with you in prayers and thoughts. please keep me in yours.

  2. Good luck I hope they went well. Stay strong! I'm really interested to know if you decided whether the clinical trial was right for you.
