Friday I went to the clinic to get my counts repeated from Tuesday. They really just wanted to retest my kidney function test, but did a CBC as well. Neither result came back good. My kidney tests are staying the same, so the longer they are high, the more at risk I am for permanant kidney damage (though I'm pretty sure we are a long way away from that occurring). The more disappointing news was my counts dropped, specifically my platelets. They went down 30,000 in 3 days. Not a good sign. I have also been have some "stomach" troubles and had that evaluated. The doctor is pretty sure that it is graft vs host disease in my GI tract. I also went to the dermatologist on Friday and had 2 biopsies done, to confirm skin graft vs host disease. So they put me on some steroids for my GI tract. Monday I go in for a GI biopsy (how fun). There is some good news, I will get my trifusion catheter taken out on Thursday (pending all these appointments). I will be so excited about that! I dislike the catheter greatly because it is a pain to take a shower. Nothing works covering it up and keeping water out of it.
Kellan had his 6 month appointment on Friday as well. He weighs 19 lb 2 oz. So he is a little chunk. We started him on baby food in addition to cereal today. He had green beans today, he seemed to like them.
This week I got a love package from my friend LeeAnne who sent me 2 hats and 2 wigs. They are just great! Love you lots LeeAnne! I also got a package from my husband that included a Mizzou hat and jacket! Thank you baby! We got a honey baked ham and pie from the Golden's and a burrito casserole from one of my mother-in-laws friends. Food is always welcomed in this house. :) Lastly I got a letter from one of my followers. I think that it was the best out of all the packages! Please pray for this friend who is about to endure an investigational treatment for Aplastic Anemia. She is going to need lots of love and support from everyone.
I also got some hobbies from Hobby Lobby today so that I have something other to do than sleep and watch tv. (Though sleeping is a hobby of mine for a long time if you know me well enough!)
Big day tomorrow, have to go to the clinic and go to Walmart with Kellan and my parents. I should probably double my morning ativan :)
I have a fundraising idea that I would like feedback on. I would like to sell pre-painted jack-o-lanterns for Halloween/Football Season. There would be no carving and they would be sports themed since there are so many teams in the area. I don't know how much a pumpkin costs, but if I could get some help with the painting I could probably sell them on craigslist or at craft shows and make maybe $5. Any thoughts? And btw, we would use patterns, this girl ain't got no artist in her :)
Please tell your friends about helping out with donations as well. Maybe you can't afford $25, but if you got people say at work or your closest friends to donate a couple of dollars here and there, you could get $25 very easily!
Please continue to get me and my family in your prayers and thoughts! They mean a lot to us.
praying praying praying!!!!