56 more days left...we are almost halfway home, literally :) November 4th is Day 100, and by golly I am going to have a ticket booked to Hawaii that day for Kellan and I. As you can tell I am getting a little antsy. I still have a long way to go though in 56 days. My fatigue is still really bad. We went grocery shopping for about an hour and came home to have to take a 3 hour nap. Well, the nap was mostly so I would have energy for game night tonight with the niece and nephew. Game night, of course, was fun. Isaiah won battleship, Alisa and I won the alphabet game (twice), and then I won Master Chatters or something like that. It was fun to get to spend some time with them before they head of to San Jose at the end of the month. 11/12 of the DeGhelder family are in the Kansas City area, at the end of the month/beginning of next month it will be 7/12 and at the beginning of November it will be 5/12. I know my in-laws really appreciate having most of their family here close to them, even if for a short time, but I think that it is going to be hard to see my brother in-law and his family move to San Jose.
No real news on the medical front, no doctors appointments until Monday, in which I have to meet a PCP that I will never go to ever again so that they know who I am when they start getting all these referrals/authorizations. Then Tuesday, I have my IV anti-viral infusion/dr appointment at the BMT clinic. So till then we should be good!
I really haven't been working on the emotional part of my healing really well. I do actually do the 2 things I love doing most, sleeping and watching movies! I'd like to just get out and do something on my own though, no chaperone/caregiver. I just need to be patient and it will come.
The donation stuff is finalized. I'm not sure how to get on the blog, but I am going to try my hardest tonight.
The nicest thing happened to me today, a random person in Walmart came up to me and touched me on the shoulder and said "Praying for you baby" and walked away. So nice!
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