Today was my first visit after my bone marrow biopsy. Dr. McGuirk came is and was all smiles with good news. He said the preliminary results were looking good. My cellularity is good (that is the amount of cells in my bone marrow), my T-cells are higher than he would expect (white blood cells that help with immunity and stuff), my liver ultrasound looked great (no more fatty, enlarged liver). I asked him about my counts being low and my bilirubin and LDH (liver tests) being high. He thinks it is the medication I'm on. We won't know for sure until the final results come back and the big picture is evaluated. They are taking me off the Dapsone (antibiotic) and going to an inhalation antibiotic. My hemoglobin was 9.8 and my RBCs were 2.9. They haven't been that low since before I left the hospital. ***Sigh*** I just feel like I can't ever get a straight answer from anyone. I want to be hopeful that it is just my medication, but I've been on the same dose and same kind of antibiotic since August. I don't want to set myself up for a huge let down next week.
After I got back from my appointment, I noticed Kellan had a runny nose and watery eyes. Called his pediatrician to get an appointment right away because the last thing I want to do is get sick myself. So he has a cold and I have to stay away from him for a day and a half or until his symptoms subside :( And he does NOT like that snot sucker upper thingy!
I had a long day and I'm already super tired from my low hemoglobin. I'm sure it is going to be a long night with Kellan as well. Even though I can't touch him, his crib is in my room and so I'm going to wake up everytime he cries. I need a nanny! Just kidding :)
Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers!
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